Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic Games Medal Standings / FIX University / Agenda Cultural / newsRus.com /

Oscar Figueroa en la modalidad de los 62 kilogramos, en levantamiento de pesas en los Juegos Olímpicos que se desarrollan en Londres, y que de paso batió nueva marca al lograr los 317 kilos.
“Con esta marca batió el record olímpico y es la segunda medalla para el país, nos llena de orgullo porque Oscar Figueroa, nuestro medallista olímpico, empezó en Cartago, se formó en la Liga Vallecaucana de Pesas y recibe el apoyo constante de Indervalle, felicitaciones a él porque el deporte como el trabajo dignifican al ser humano”, afirmo Ubeimar Delgado.
En el marco de este tema el Gobernador Ubeimar Dalgado resaltó que sus directrices están dadas para ganar los Juegos Nacionales. “Queremos ser campeones, estamos invirtiendo recursos para que el Valle del Cauca sea la potencia de todos los tiempos, y el deporte no será la excepción”.
Fernando IX University

Gobernación del Valle reconoce valor y disciplina de Oscar Figueroa Medalla de Plata para Colombia en Juegos Olímpicos de Londres


V FORO DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR DE SERVICIOS: En el evento se analizará el tema de la internacionalización del comercio de servicios, sector destacado en la economía mundial al ser el motor principal de crecimiento para países que han focalizado su modelo de desarrollo en la presentación especializada de distintos tipos de servicios. 8 a.m. a 12 m. y 2 a 6 p.m. Auditorio Principal de la Cámara de Comercio de Cali.

TECNOLOGÍA: “Talks: uso de celulares”. Para personas invidentes. Horario flexible de 9 a. m. a 6 p. m. /LECTURA: “Fiesta de la lectura”, a cargo de Julissa Montoya. 4 p.m. Sala Infantil y Juvenil / ASTRONOMÍA:“¿Qué es la ingravidez espacial percibida por los astronautas siendo que están en lugares donde la gravidez es tan grande?”, a cargo de Alberto José Sánchez Asseff, Físico, MsC y PhD. 6:30 p.m. Sala 2. Entrada libre / TERTULIA  VALLECAUCANA: “La explosión del 7 de agosto de 1956 en Cali”, a cargo de Hernando Benavidez Parra. 6:30 p.m. Sala 1. Biblioteca Departamental.
ASTRONOMÍA: “Misión Curiosity a Marte”, a cargo de Luis A. Saldarriaga. 7 p.m. Salón 1 y 2, 5to piso. Centro Cultural Comfenalco. Entrada libre.
LECTURA DRAMÁTICA: “Carta de amor de Fernando Arrabal”, a cargo de Lisímaco Núñez y Victoria García. 7:30 p.m. Teatro La Concha.
SEMINARIOS INTENSIVOS: “Fotografía básica integral e Iluminación”, que se realizarán los días 8, 9 y 10 de Agosto, cupos limitados. Frontera sur.

UPDATED: 1:05p ET - 7/31/2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

FIX University Looks @ Domus Academy

The aim of the Car and Transportation Design Course is to provide young professionals with the expertise to conceive innovating solutions in designing new generations of vehicles better suited to the current and incoming mobility scenario: mobility needs have considerably increased and represent a sector for massive investment in structural terms, which has to be accompanied by a new paradigm for design.
Vehicles, in fact, are no longer seen as just private objects of desire and mostly developed in terms of style, but now have other parameters that need to be taken into account such as limited access to property, urban congestion, pollution, economic, sociological and technological issues. Concerning the education of designers, it requires on the one hand developing theoretical tools, and on the other, experimenting new skills towards interaction and exchange with other players in this current and future mobility scenario. One of the main issues generated by this combination of factors concerns, nowadays, the crisis of the automotive sector.There is no doubt that the main role of mobility in the last century was played by the automotive sector and though millions of people move today in individual vehicles, the trend is clearly indicating an intermodal way of using means of transport, where users switch between several mediums of transport on land (cars, motor bikes, bicycles), water (yachts, ships, boats) and air (planes and others).
This does not mean that cars are disappearing, but as users and drivers we would like our experience to be enriched and assist in the transfer of quality between the different means of transport, from the point of view of ergonomics, mood and technology.
If this scenario is on-going, the automotive sector may well have a massive experience to impart, but it could also find an interesting opportunity for enrichment from other points of view, other approaches on issues such as concept design and design culture, user behaviour, ethics and sustainability, language and identity, market and property issues, marketing and sales, production and material technologies, smart interfaces, emotive and soft qualities.
The Course

The Course has the benefit of 30 years of experience for Domus Academy in managing crossover study field approaches in Design and is based on a 360° holistic approach, the aim of which is to highlight the relevant and necessary aspects in designing a vehicle adapted to a new mobility scenario and to develop ad hoc teaching methodologies:
On the one hand, Lectures dedicate particular attention to presenting the state of the art on research for mobility and environmental sustainability, and on the other hand, they follow the traditional path of Car and Vehicle Design: from concept to sketch, from clay modeling to 3D modeling, from the interior design of the vehicle to the definition of it’s identity gender and language, from the context in which it is proposed on the market to the presentation of the whole project. The “learning by designing” process is thus fed by the contribution of companies and experts who highlight possible strategies in innovation through new technologies and materials, indicating how feasible, desirable and sustainable the vehicle of the future will be.
The contribution of the Italian approach to Design and Car Design additionally proposes groups of professionals, opportunities to visit design studios and a wide range of trade fairs, museums, libraries and on-line resources providing a unique background where students can obtain both knowledge and inspiration.
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